A Welcome from Producer Tom Viertel
Apr 12, 2018

By: Tom V.
Welcome to the start of a CTI blog. If you’re here on the CTI website, I’m guessing Broadway is a passion for you and you’re interested in learning more about how the business of Broadway works from the inside. It’s a business that is both thrilling and frustrating, a life-changing experience and enough to drive you crazy.

Over the past 37 years at CTI we teach the teachable part of Broadway producing. Using what they’ve learned here, dozens of CTI alums have gone on to produce some of Broadway’s great hits. Our courses are all taught by working Broadway professionals – from producers and general managers to ad agency executives and attorneys. Our networking opportunities will help connect you to these pros and to others who are like you – excited to learn more about the business of Broadway.
This blog will be a kind of supplement to the CTI courses that you can enjoy whether or not you take the courses themselves. We’ll be talking about best practices, the difficult issues that arise when you produce a show, emerging trends, and how-to resources.

I’ll write some of them, we’ll do some interviews with important players, and go into some nuts-and-bolts ideas too. Along the way, we’ll define some terms to give you the working vocabulary you need. I hope you’ll join us both here and in person at CTI’s courses. You couldn’t pick a more exciting field.