Producing involves a lot of deal making. Front money, royalty pools, torchbearer points, co-producer deals, producer royalties, general manager fees, investor incentives and perks all need to be thought through and negotiated. Producers need to develop financial plans and standards for all this and more before they can even begin to raise money. This half-day intensive reviews the industry standards in these areas, as well as some of the more innovative approaches.

10:00am – 10:15am Welcome/Opening Remarks
Tom Viertel, Commercial Theater Institute
10:15am – 12:15pm General and Limited Partner Compensation, Front Money and Other Issues
Tom Viertel, Scorpio Entertainment
12:15pm – 12:30pm Break
12:30pm – 1:45pm Royalty Pools
Jason Baruch, Sendroff & Baruch, LLP
1:45pm – 2:00 pm Closing Remarks
Tom Viertel, Commercial Theater Institute